
2nd Golf Indoor Polish Championship

After two months of competition, the winners of the 2nd Indoor Golf Polish Championship tournament have been announced. The competition was played all over Poland, at as many as 19 commercial facilities and private simulators, so golfers all over the country had access to the tournament.

More than 120 players entered the tournament, which was played weekly from November 29 on one of four golf courses around the world, including the first Polish course in the TrackMan library.

The competition began with the Casa De Campo “Teeth of the Dog” course in the Dominican Republic, where a phenomenal gross score of 69 strokes was achieved by Michal Zawistowski, (in the Pro classification). 72 strokes was Dawid Nowak’s best score among amateurs.

The second round was played at the Liberty National course in New Jersey, USA. Michal Zawistowski once again triumphed in the Pro classification with a score of 73 strokes. The same result among amateurs was achieved by Kinga Kuśmierska.

At the famous Grand Slam course of Royal Troon in Scotland, Mateusz Korzuch (Pro) was the only one to play the course at par, one stroke more was recorded by Tomek Pulsakowski, achieving the best result among amateurs.

The Kalinowe Pole was thus the final game to determine the winners of the tournament. Michal Karczmarczyk in the fourth round was again the best among the Pro’s, recording 73 strokes (297 total strokes), which was enough to overtake the leader after three rounds – Michal Zawistowski. Michal, who played very well throughout the tournament, only the last leg of the tournament played above 80 (he played 300 strokes in total(, which prevented him from winning first place in the Pro classification. Third place went to Mateusz Korzuch with a total of 303 strokes.

Among amateurs, the best gross result was achieved by Kinga Kuśmierska, with a score of 300 strokes. In the classification of amateurs, the classification was conducted in the net category in two hcp groups among women and men.

Among the women of the hcp group 20.1-54, Karina Minich (Royal Wilanów GC) triumphed with a total score of 368 strokes. Second was Space Golf&Friends Club member Anna Wojak Borowska (404 strokes), and third, coming from Play Golf Club, Magdalena Alama Bertel (429 strokes).

In the group of women with hcp 0-20, the unrivaled representative of the National Team, coming from Armada GC Kinga Kuśmierska with a score of 303 strokes, ahead of Nina Pitsch 317 strokes (also a representative of the National Team and a club member of Armada GC) and Zuzanna Mordaka from Toya GC (325 strokes) who took 3rd place.

Karol Okrasa, representing Studio Star 5, became the champion in the men’s group with an hcp of 20.1-54. After four rounds, he scored 291 strokes and had an 8-stroke lead to Krzysztof Gorski of Gradi GC. Third place belongs to Cezary Kaczmarek

(Kalinowe Pola), who recorded 301 strokes.

In the group of players with an hcp of 0-20, Cezary Smigielski of Gradi Golf Club triumphed, finishing the competition with a score of 286 strokes. Four strokes more and second place belongs to Dawid Nowak of Armada GC. And third place went to Andrzej Makiela of Bu


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